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Datum: 27. AUG 24 - INTERESTING
10 Nutritional Tips Most People Don't Know
If you care about your health, figure, and beauty, then you'll stick to the following guidelines:
1. Don’t skip breakfast
Breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and gives you energy for the day. If you took good care of your health the day before, you’ll likely feel the need to go to the bathroom first thing in the morning. This is normal after a night’s sleep, as your body has had plenty of time and rest to process what it needed to.

2. Avoid fast food
There are two reasons for this. Fast food is quickly prepared and quickly consumed. Your stomach needs 20 minutes to signal your brain that it’s full. In the world of fast food, 20 minutes feels like an eternity, and here lies the problem: we end up eating 50% more fast food than we would if we took our time.

3. Eat healthy food
Food that takes more than 72 hours to reach your plate is considered unhealthy because it requires preservatives, anti-rot agents, ripening agents, and coloring...

4. Listen to your stomach
If you feel hungry, drinking a glass of water won’t do much. Your stomach expects food, not water. So always have an apple or a few slices of dried fruit (just be careful that it's not too sweet) with you.

5. Eat more vegetables
Every doctor, nutritionist, fitness trainer, and self-proclaimed advisor will tell you to eat more vegetables, even if you're a vegetarian. They mean vegetables, of course, but it should be a variety of vegetables, with as few fried, smoked, or baked flavors as possible. All of this stimulates the appetite.

6. Don’t skip meals
The worst thing you can do for your body is to combine meals. Don’t lie to yourself that you’ll eat the same amount of calories at dinner as you had planned. The fact is, if you skip lunch, your dinner will be at least 30% more plentiful.

7. Drink plenty of water
There is a limit with water that you shouldn’t exceed. If you drink more than 8 liters of water per hour, it can lead to internal organ drowning, which can even cause death. If you drink a glass of water an hour, this is moderate drinking that prevents dehydration. Did you know that almost half of transient headaches occur because the body is dehydrated?

8. Sweets are allowed only under special conditions
You can eat sweets and still lose weight, but you have to be very precise about it. Before indulging in a piece of cake, you shouldn’t eat anything for at least 5 hours. The same rule applies to half an hour after you've taken your last sweet bite. The sugar will provide your body with a lot of energy, which will curb your hunger, so you won't have any trouble with your next meal. In fact, you won't even feel hungry. Surely you remember from your childhood that sweets always came at the end, because if they came first, no child would eat anything else. Well, as an adult with extra pounds, remember this fact and use it to lose weight.

9. Don’t drink carbonated beverages
Carbonated drinks irritate the mucous membranes, and besides, all these drinks are overly sweet. They contain a lot of sugar to mask the taste of salt. They contain a lot of salt to dehydrate your body and create the feeling that you need more and more...

10. Nobody’s perfect
Follow the rules, choose your food and meal times carefully, but in the end, give yourself one day a week when all indulgences are allowed. Our bodies are not just mechanical, physical, and chemical rules—half of it is psychology. To feel better, allow yourself a day of dietary indulgence at least once a week. Eat what you love, because the next week, you’ll be back on the strict diet wheel.
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