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Datum: 22. AUG 24 - INTERESTING
Have you ever heard of the recipe with kefir and flaxseed meal?
This is a combination that cleanses the intestines of mucus, fecal deposits, and parasites. You should do this at least once a year.
On average, a person consumes 100 tons of food and drinks 40,000 liters of liquid in their lifetime. Over 70 years, about 15 kilograms of fecal waste and toxic residues accumulate. If you don’t occasionally clean your intestines, you carry all of that with you day after day. But unnecessary weight isn’t the only problem. All these impurities cause constipation, disrupt metabolism, lead to diabetes, and, due to bacteria retention, can result in dangerous liver, stomach, even vision and hearing disorders. As a result, you may have poorer skin, hair loss, nail problems... In extreme cases, all of this can lead to arthritis attacks and the development of cancer.

The most common home enema methods only clean 40 to 50 centimeters of the large intestine. Fortunately, there is a more pleasant and effective method.

It’s enough to eat 1 to 3 tablespoons of flaxseed meal with kefir a day, and in 3 weeks, your intestines will be thoroughly cleansed like never before. The recipe is as follows:
  • First week: every morning on an empty stomach, eat 1 tablespoon of flaxseed meal and 1 dcl of kefir
  • Second week: 2 tablespoons of flaxseed meal and 1 dcl of kefir
  • Third week: 3 tablespoons of flaxseed meal and 1.5 dcl of kefir
If you don’t have flaxseed meal, you can use flaxseeds, finely ground (you can use a coffee grinder for this).
It is also very important to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day (you must be very diligent with this because the body needs a lot of fluid—better to drink an extra glass). Additionally, don’t stock up on kefir and seeds. It is very important that the mixture is freshly prepared every morning. After consuming kefir and flaxseed meal, do not eat anything for at least an hour. Also, try to limit your food intake during this time, or at least avoid heavy, high-calorie, and industrially processed foods.

One more warning: Because this is a really effective cleanse, during which you can effortlessly lose several kilograms (up to 10 kg), do not do this more than once a year.
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