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Datum: 14. AUG 24 - INTERESTING
The Miraculous Properties of Strawberry Leaves
Strawberries are undoubtedly one of the most recognized fruits worldwide, but little is known about the benefits of their green leaves. Read this, and you'll never eat strawberries the same way again.
We usually find the green leaves of strawberries bothersome and try to remove them from the delicious red fruits. But if you knew what these leaves contain, you'd never throw them away again.

Our grandmothers already used dried strawberry leaves to make tea. If you add a little honey to such tea and let it cool overnight in a dark and cool place (not in the fridge), you get a first-class refreshing drink with many beneficial properties. In fact, the green leaves of strawberries are the most medicinal part of the plant.

Strawberry leaves have exceptional antioxidant properties, cleanse the blood, strengthen the immune system, are very beneficial for the intestines, regulate digestion, combat constipation, eliminate intestinal infections, reduce the formation of intestinal gases, and boost metabolism. In addition, strawberry greens are also used in treating liver and kidney issues, reducing swelling, overcoming all throat problems (some even recommend it in the treatment of throat cancer). The leaves also reduce cholesterol, lower the risk of heart and vascular diseases, and by gargling, you can treat mouth sores. And finally, due to the specific strawberry scent, they help in relieving stress and easing insomnia.

You know what's the best part? Fresh leaves have the same properties, so many nutritionists recommend eating strawberries along with the leaves.

The Miraculous Properties of Strawberry Leaves
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