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Datum: 6. AUG 24 - INTERESTING
Tell Us Where You Store Fat, and We'll Tell You What to Do
Fat accumulation in certain areas of the body is closely linked to habits and lifestyle. What should you do about it?
Scientists have roughly identified five areas where fat most commonly accumulates. To get rid of it, you need more than just a controlled and healthy diet; you also need physical activity. Not just any activity, but exercises targeting muscles that aren't getting enough action.

Zone 1: Upper Body, Chest, Arms
Extra weight often shows in the arms, back, chest, and, of course, the belly. This usually means you're someone who doesn't engage in much or any physical activity. To get rid of this fat, you should control your snacking (get the whole family on board with healthy eating) and be more active. Simple exercises like squats, push-ups, and sit-ups can help.

Zone 2: Belly Area and Lower Back
This is mostly a sign of having too much of the stress hormone cortisol in your body. To reduce this, try yoga, Pilates, or a nice bath. Dietary changes should include eating foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Also, cut out alcohol completely for a while.

Zone 3: Entire Back, Belly, and Chest
If you're gaining weight in this area, it's often because you're eating too much fatty and fast food. It can also indicate that you're skipping meals and then overeating because you haven't eaten all day. It's also a clear sign of physical inactivity. To lose weight, start eating at least five meals a day and exercise for at least 30 minutes. We recommend swimming and running.

Zone 4: Belly, Thighs, and Buttocks
This is the most critical area for women and is related to a lack of physical activity. Cycling and other exercises that strengthen the lower body muscles will benefit you. In terms of diet, drink more fluids and dedicate at least one day a week to cleansing.

Zone 5: Belly, Buttocks, and Legs
This is slightly lower than Zone 4 and is still more common in women, especially during pregnancy. Cycling helps here too, and you should include more diuretics in your diet (watermelon, melons, cucumbers, parsley, even lemons) to naturally cleanse your body.
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