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Datum: 4. AUG 24 - INTERESTING
Foods That Steal Energy
Have you ever felt sleepy, tired, or drained of energy after a meal? You probably didn't think that food could be the culprit.
Does this happen to you too? After eating a big, greasy hamburger, do you become drowsy and tired? Nutritionists warn that food high in simple carbohydrates can make you feel this way. Such foods not only contribute to weight gain and clogged arteries but also sap your energy. Additionally, overly caloric foods can cause sleep and digestion issues. Therefore, it’s good to know which foods steal your energy and try to avoid them.

1. Fried Fish
Nutrition experts recommend eating fish no more than two to three times a week. Eating more can have the opposite effect, especially if you eat fried fish. Fried food is the worst choice.

2. Unhealthy Salads
You might think there’s nothing wrong with salads, right? Wrong! Many modern salads are far from healthy. The problem lies in the dressings, added pasta, even pieces of grilled chicken, bacon, croutons, cheese, and eggs. All of these can ruin your day, especially if they’re not fresh.

3. Hamburgers
If you want a healthy hamburger, it should be made with whole-grain bread, fresh vegetables, and ideally without meat. Modern hamburgers are usually too big, contain too much fat (unfortunately the unhealthy kind), and the dressings are the most problematic part. The same goes for dressings on salads and elsewhere.

4. Shakes
Shakes are essentially liquid calories. This is especially true if you drink shakes loaded with sugar and fat. Homemade shakes are certainly better, though the calorie issue remains with all of them.

5. Roasted Chicken
Roasted chicken with the skin removed and lots of vegetables seems like an ideal meal. It is, but in this combination, the meat should not be fried, and it should be free of dressings, and if possible, without salt ...
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