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Datum: 2. AUG 24 - INTERESTING
What happens after an hour if you wrap your leg in aluminum foil?
Is wrapping certain body parts really healing? According to recent research, it seems so.
Don’t be misled into thinking that wrapping wounds in aluminum foil is an ancient healing method because it’s not. Aluminum as a chemical element was discovered only in 1808, and foil has been around for just over 50 years. This means we are just beginning to discover the healing effects of wrapping with foil.

Even doctors are surprised to see the effects foil has on a range of ailments. If you have swelling in your legs, ankles, or joint pain, or if you suffer from gout, sciatica, or even a cold, then try this:

Wrap the affected area with aluminum foil (leg, ankle, foot, knee) with the shiny side facing inward. Keep it wrapped for one hour, then you can remove the foil. The leg under the foil tends to sweat more than usual, which has an extraordinary cleansing effect that reduces inflammation, relaxes muscles, and cleanses joints.

You can also use foil to treat sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. For these types of conditions, you can keep the affected joint wrapped overnight.

Aluminum foil is also an excellent tool for fighting bacterial and viral infections. Wrap the tips of your fingers with foil and leave it for an hour or two.

And one more use worth mentioning: aluminum foil is often used in cosmetics. It helps refresh and revitalize the skin and relax facial muscles. It also aids in hair coloring, allowing the color to adhere better and more beautifully to the hair shaft.

It is definitely worth trying.

What happens after an hour if you wrap your leg in aluminum foil?
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