- 1 cup of spinach (or chard)
- 2 apples
- 2 small cucumbers (or 1 slightly bigger cucumber)
- 1 lemon
- 2 leaves of green
Wash all ingredients well and place them in a mixer. If desired, you can add some water or ice cubes. Drink it slowly, preferably in the evening instead of dinner.
Many who try this beverage are pleasantly surprised because it is a sweet mixture. If you are wondering if this combination really works, the mystery is in green color. Green vegetables have a lot of fiber and other nutrients. In addition, green vegetables have a low glycemic index and are able to slow digestion. Many of these vegetables have even less calories than the body needs to digest.
One more thing: you should make your last sip at least 20 minutes before going to bed, so you do not burden your stomach during the night.