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Datum: 26. JUL 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
The Worst Nightmare for Pharmacists: Frozen Lemons
Research has shown that lemon peels contain 5 to 10 times more vitamins and minerals than the juice. Additionally, lemon is an excellent substitute for chemotherapy.
Many people still throw away lemon peels, even though they are significantly healthier than the pulp. Initially, it can be hard to get used to the strong taste of lemon peels, and even harder to find a truly useful way to use them. Due to their medicinal properties, lemon peels are the biggest nightmare for sellers of cancer drugs. It might happen that in the future, humanity will look back on these days as a time when we had the cure for the worst millennial diseases right under our noses, but didn’t know how to use it.

The secret of lemon peels is in the freezer!

If you put lemons in the freezer about 2 hours before use, the peels will be so hard that you can easily grate them. Don’t skimp on the grated lemon and try to use it as much as possible – in drinks or food.

Just a note, so you know why it’s worth freezing lemons. Lemons destroy cells of 12 types of cancer, such as pancreatic, lung, prostate, breast, and colon cancer. They also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They destroy internal parasites, cure bacterial infections, and cleanse the body. Lemons also treat stress, tension, and nervousness.

When freezing, just be careful to remember to take the lemons out of the refrigerator after two hours and use them. Over-frozen lemons are hard and unusable.
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