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Datum: 26. JUL 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
The 8-Hour Diet
Is it possible to lose weight in eight hours? Is it a hoax? How does the 8-hour diet actually work?
If a diet raises more questions than answers, then it might not be that simple. The only thing that adds some confusion is the fact that it's actually a book written by two very serious and real nutrition experts, who also happen to be formally educated doctors. But their logic is quite straightforward.

David Zinczenko and Peter Moore based their approach on the idea that the day is divided into thirds: 8 hours for sleeping, 8 hours for working, and 8 hours for leisure activities. According to them, people gain weight because their daily schedule does not follow this pattern. Most people sleep for 10 hours and eat for 14 hours.

Therefore, the two experts propose a diet with no restrictions on the type and amount of food, the important thing is to always eat at the same time, with the same pace and quantity. Choose any 8 hours in the day when eating is allowed (not gorging!), and outside of these hours, only water is allowed.

Of course, you don't have completely free rein regarding the amount of food, and the number of daily calories is still limited, but the key finding of this diet is: order and discipline don't cause weight gain, everything else does.

The 8-Hour Diet
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