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Datum: 25. JUL 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
Beat Cholesterol Even If You Don't (Yet) Have Problems With It
In the summer, we're lucky to eat a diverse and vitamin-rich diet, but we also often indulge ...
Just the vitamins in fruits and vegetables can't fix everything we put into our bodies at a single picnic. In the summer, we often indulge and don't realize how important it is to get rid of the toxins from carbonated drinks, trans fats from fried foods, and simple carbohydrates from cheap pasta. The body is not made for such things.

To keep your body in excellent shape and ensure that your bad cholesterol levels don't rise, that you have good digestion, a fast metabolism, and a body free of toxic substances, try this drink.

  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 3 sprigs of parsley (you can use 5 if they are smaller)
  • 1 kg organic lemons
  • 1 grapefruit
  • baking soda

First, boil the water and let it cool. In the meantime, clean the lemons thoroughly. Use baking soda to help. Scrub the peel very well. Then cut the lemons into small pieces, chop the parsley, add the grapefruit juice, and pour everything with the boiled water. Stir and refrigerate for 24 hours.

The next day, blend everything together and pour it into a glass jar or bottle.

Every morning, drink 1 deciliter of this drink and you will be surprised at how quickly your cholesterol and metabolism will improve.
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