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Datum: 23. JUL 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
How to Recognize and Prevent Heatstroke
Hot and stuffy weather poses a significant risk for heatstroke - how can we protect ourselves from it?
The impact of weather on our well-being is especially significant on hot days. When the temperature rises above 22 degrees Celsius, our body initiates cooling processes. We start to sweat, and the body uses large amounts of fluid to maintain a low temperature. However, we don't always have enough of this fluid, so the lack of water strains other organs and systems, particularly affecting the blood vessels and nerves.

What are the signs of heatstroke?

Heat overload does not happen suddenly. It first manifests as muscle cramps, an unusual heart rate, nausea, and fatigue.

The second phase is recognizable by dizziness, headaches, and "floaters" in the eyes (your vision is disturbed by moving spots).

The third phase is a very serious sign of heatstroke. It involves severe heart irregularities, lowered blood pressure, and loss of consciousness.

In extreme cases, heatstroke is identified by coma, fatal arrhythmia, and cardiac arrest.

How to cool down?

To protect yourself from heatstroke, drink plenty of fluids. It is recommended to consume drinks rich in electrolytes; salty water is also suggested, but vegetable or fruit juices are even better.

If you find a cooler nearby, place something cold on your forehead, the back of your neck, under your armpits, or on your abdomen. These are points with rich blood circulation, making the cooling process faster.
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