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Datum: 23. JUL 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
Foods that Provide Energy Without Weight Gain
We present you with foods that should be on your menu every day, and you can rest assured about your weight.
1. Fruit
Fresh fruit is low in calories, boosts metabolism, contains a lot of water, and is full of vitamins and fiber. It’s true that fruit contains a lot of sugar, but it’s natural sugar that also prevents feelings of hunger. Eating fruit will curb your cravings for sweets, candies, pastries ... It’s worth highlighting apples, which contain universally beneficial pectin, and grapefruits, which stimulate digestion and help in fat burning ...

2. Vegetables
Every meal should include vegetables, especially greens, zucchini, carrots, spinach ... It's recommended that meals consist of at least 70 percent vegetables.

3. Legumes
Peas, beans, and chickpeas are an ideal package of energy and nutrients and are low in calories. Legumes contain almost as much protein as meat, have much less fat, and the proteins help build muscles. Legumes keep you feeling full for a longer time.

4. Whole Grains
The best choice for breakfast is definitely whole grains, as they are high in fiber, have little or no sugar, and digest slowly, which keeps blood sugar levels stable. Oatmeal for breakfast boosts metabolism and provides the body with energy for the entire day.

5. Salad
Prepare a bowl of green salad, seasoned with a bit of lemon and olive oil. Always eat the salad before your meal, then take a 10 to 20-minute break. Salad contains a lot of water but also nutrients, and it significantly reduces appetite.

6. Cheese and Yogurt
A glass of low-fat yogurt and a piece of fresh cheese provide the body with a lot of energy. Due to calcium, yogurt prevents the overproduction of insulin and prevents the formation of fat deposits. Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that cleanse the intestines and boost metabolism.

7. Fish
Fish are low in calories, high in protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, boost metabolism, and provide a feeling of fullness. The best options are tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardines ...
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