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Datum: 22. JUL 24 - INTERESTING
A Drink for More Oxygen in the Blood
A drink that has high nutritional value, a variety of healing properties, improves digestion, helps with weight loss, and strengthens the immune system.
Parsley is one of the most popular and widespread spices in the world. In addition to its high nutritional value, it has many healing properties and is a very important component of a juice that helps with the flow of oxygen throughout the body. Fresh parsley also stimulates the adrenal glands and thyroid. It helps combat kidney stones and alleviates pain.

15 grams of parsley contain as many antioxidants as two apples. 10 grams of parsley provide the daily needs for iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, E, C, and B1.
Put one bunch of parsley and the juice of two lemons into a blender. Mix everything well, and finally add 200 ml of water. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach for 5 days, then take at least a 10-day break.

With parsley, you need to be cautious because too much of it can cause nervous system damage, and it's a strong diuretic, so you need to drink plenty of fluids.
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