Even in ancient times, nettle tea was highly valued. That's why they called it 'a remedy from God.' Today, we know that regular consumption can cure many diseases or at least alleviate symptoms.
Nettles are also recommended by doctors for treating allergies, anemia, respiratory diseases, various internal infections, and inflammations (including oral inflammations and canker sores). It helps combat fatigue and low mood, prevents hair loss, promotes hair growth, prevents dandruff, and is used against hemorrhoids. It is also recommended for diabetics, and recent studies confirm the positive effects of nettles on cancer treatment. People have long known that nettles cleanse the urinary tract, help with joint problems, rheumatism ...
If you pick them yourself, the best nettles are those that grow on the edges of forests or along rivers. Young and bright plants are 'stronger' than the darker and older ones. It's best to pick them after the rain.
How to prepare nettle tea?
Boil water, then pour it over a bunch of dried or fresh nettles. Let it steep for 10 minutes, strain, and drink.
You need to drink one or two cups a day. Drink unsweetened tea, of course, and it can also be consumed chilled, but no more than one day old.
Nettles are not only medicinal in tea; they can be used in salads, added to smoothies, and are particularly interesting as an addition to egg omelets.
One more thing: nettles contain more vitamin C and beta carotene than most other cultivated vegetables. If consumed in excess, they act as a laxative, cause heartburn, and create an excess of heat in the body (which is not very pleasant in the summer). Therefore, consume nettle tea and dishes in moderation and not every day.