Weight loss can be sweet, tasty and oriented - the drink below melts the fat around the abdomen.
When you see what constitutes a smoothie that melts fat around your stomach, it will be clear to you that it is not only good for losing weight but it's also extremely healthy. It has a lot of fiber, protein, minerals (especially iron) and very few calories. Due to its rich content, it can be a substitute for any meal. We recommend it instead of dinner, but you can also prepare it for breakfast.
- 1 banana
- 1 cup of greek yogurt
- 1 cup of soy or rice milk
- 1/2 cup of oatmeal
- 4 teaspoons of flax seeds
- honey
Preparation:Put all ingredients in the mixer to get a smooth mixture. If you wish, you can also add some water or even ice cubes.