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Datum: 16. JUL 24 - INTERESTING
The Natural Botox of Green Kernels
How can one kernel contain substances that strengthen heart health, improve metabolism, lower cholesterol, and slow aging?
Pistachios have an extremely positive impact on our health, so it would be good to eat a handful of pistachios every day. And not salted ones! Moreover, pistachios in shells are even healthier and contain more fiber. If possible, replace dinner with pistachios. There are at least 5 reasons for this.

1. Lutein
Pistachios contain a lot of the powerful antioxidant lutein, which prevents fat buildup and inflammation. Just a few days of regular consumption can lower cholesterol by up to 20 percent.

2. Fiber
Pistachios are rich in fiber, which is crucial for metabolic processes. Just 10 grams of pistachios contain enough fiber to meet the body's daily needs.

3. Phosphorus
One cup of pistachios contains approximately 60 percent of the recommended daily intake of phosphorus, which is important for breaking down proteins into amino acids. This improves the body's sensitivity to glucose, meaning blood sugar fluctuations are significantly reduced.

4. Circulation
A handful of pistachios significantly improves blood circulation in the body, making cleansing processes more efficient. You’ll also gain more energy, and essential fatty acids can boost male potency by more than 50 percent.

5. Aging
Pistachios contain numerous antioxidants that are generally beneficial for our health. Just 5 to 10 pistachio kernels are enough to noticeably slow down the aging process. That’s why a handful of pistachios is also called nature's botox.
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