Summer food should cool and hydrate the body. In the summer, it's crucial to have enough water in the body, as this is the only way it can cool down, while fresh food fills us with positive energy through vitamins and minerals. Because the foods listed below inhibit metabolism and make circulation, breathing, and sweating more difficult, try to avoid them. Our bodies are much more burdened in the summer, and our organs are more active, so let's not overburden them unnecessarily.
1. Cheese: 100 grams of cheese contains 30% of the daily salt requirement.
2. Sauerkraut: 100 grams of sauerkraut contains 20 to 30% of the daily salt requirement.
3. Canned Tuna: canned tuna also contains a lot of salt - about 30% of the daily salt requirement.
4. Pickled Vegetables: pickled vegetables not only have a lot of sugar but also 20 to 40% of the daily salt requirement in 100 grams.
5. Cornflakes: 100 grams contain 20% of the daily salt requirement.
6. Sausages, Smoked Meats: industrial meat products contain a lot of salt, with 100 grams of sausages containing between 5 and 15% of the daily salt requirement. But salt isn't the only problematic substance in meat products.
7. Smoked Fish: 100 grams of smoked fish contain 5 to 15% of the daily salt requirement.
8. Green Beans: even green beans are not suitable for summer, as they have about 15% of the daily salt requirement.
9. Wheat Bread: bread is very fattening and also contains a lot of salt. In 100 grams, there is 10% of the daily salt requirement.
10. Beetroot: beetroot is considered one of the healthiest vegetables, but among all the fresh vegetables available, it has a high salt content - in 100 grams, it contains 10% of the daily salt requirement.
And why is salt so problematic? Imagine eating a medium-sized sandwich with sausages, a slice or two of cheese, and maybe some pepper or pickles... One such sandwich can ruin all the healthy food you've eaten that day.