Certain types of food can be harmful to health when reheated. So, if possible, eat fresh or cold. That will be much better.
Research shows that 90% of Americans use microwaves to reheat food, without realizing the dangers this food brings. Moreover, many people wrap food in foil, which reacts chemically with the acids in the dishes, and when heated, it turns into a poison that can cause immune system problems, thyroid issues, and can lead to pancreatic cancer, breast cancer...
No less harmful is Teflon cookware or Styrofoam, which is often used as packaging, but it contains styrene, a substance proven to cause cancer.
There are also some foods that should not be reheated:
1. Vegetables with high nitrate concentration
This group includes celery, carrots, beets, and spinach. They contain a lot of vegetable nitrates, which are necessary for daily bodily functions, but bacteria in your mouth convert nitrates in reheated food into nitrites. With each reheating, nitrites become increasingly toxic.
2. High-protein foods
Eggs, chicken, and even mushrooms are protein powerhouses, but with each reheating, they accumulate more and more microorganisms, which can increase sensitivity to viruses and other diseases. Reheated proteins are often the cause of food poisoning.
3. Rice
Reheated rice can cause bacterial spores to form, leading to food poisoning. This is especially true if you have kept cooked rice at room temperature for a long time. You can reheat rice, but you must store it properly in an airtight container beforehand.
4. Potatoes
It's generally good to avoid potatoes, and even more so when reheated. Cooked potatoes have a lot of vitamin B6, potassium, and even vitamin C, but all of these disappear upon reheating. Twice-heated potatoes can be very toxic, so always enjoy chilled potatoes in a potato salad instead.
5. Oils
Some lower-quality oils have very low heat tolerance and quickly become carcinogenic. It's a misconception that lower-quality oil is better for frying and high-quality oil is for salads. Wrong! The difference between oils at room temperature is minimal, but at temperatures above 120 degrees Celsius, the difference is huge. Lower-quality oils become toxic at just 120 degrees, while higher-quality oils maintain their composition up to 180 degrees Celsius.