Alcohol causes acidosis. Many sweets, including ice creams, cause acidosis. Barbecues are full of acidic foods. Soft drinks are poison ... In summer, there are plenty of vitamins and minerals all around us, so it’s an opportunity to cleanse your body, fill it with new, healthy energy, strengthen your metabolism and immune system, and heal minor ailments that started appearing during the winter ... Eat carefully and healthily.
The following 10 foods will not only help you alkalize your body but also regulate blood pressure, calm arthritis, destroy cancer cells, and improve overall well-being and vitality ...
1. Avocado
Avocado has a pH of 8.0 and besides alkalizing the body, it also helps neutralize other acids produced in the stomach. You can eat it on its own (season it with salt and pepper), or as an addition to salads.
2. Ripe Bananas
Unripe bananas cause constipation, acidity, and prevent nutrient absorption. The banana must be as ripe as possible to be healthy. Therefore, don't avoid bananas with dark spots on the peel. Spots signal that the banana is ready to eat. Only a ripe banana acts alkaline.
3. Almonds
Seeds are usually acidic, but in the case of almonds and almond milk, the effect on the body is quite the opposite. Additionally, almonds are an excellent source of health and vitality. Almonds help lower bad cholesterol levels, improve brain function, digestion, and help establish alkalinity.
4. Asparagus
Known as one of the most potent alkaline foods, asparagus is also rich in healthy fibers. Asparagus is packed with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Their pH is 8.5.
5. Watermelon
Watermelon offers a pH of 9.0 and is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. The high fiber and water content alone make it a staple in our diets.
Not to forget: the most popular family gift in Japan is watermelon. It’s healthy, loved by everyone, and an excellent toxin cleanser.
6. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is packed with beneficial vitamins and many minerals. It has antibacterial properties, improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, cleanses the body, and alkalizes ... Since you can't eat cayenne pepper by the spoonful, try to use it generously in as many dishes as possible.
7. Papaya
Only ripe papaya will regulate digestion, soothe inflammation, and resolve other digestive issues. A particularly interesting combination is papaya with meat, which neutralizes all harmful effects of meat.
8. Lemons
Although they taste sour, they act very alkaline in the stomach. Lemons are especially effective when paired with the above foods: try mixing lemon and cayenne pepper today. This combination also helps with weight loss.
9. Broccoli
Many call it anti-cancer vegetable. It contains plenty of healthy fibers, cures inflammation, strengthens the immune system, and boosts the functioning of internal organs. In the stomach, it acts strongly alkaline.
10. Garlic
Garlic helps neutralize the acidity of foods like meat, fish, cheese, and eggs. Garlic combined with vegetables offers high fiber, nutrients, and a high level of alkalinity.