Sugar is more dangerous than alcohol and causes much greater addiction, which most people are unaware of. Moreover, overdose can occur even in people who don't consume sugar regularly. Even a small amount can knock them off balance, even leading to loss of consciousness. So how can you recognize when you have too much sugar in your body?
1. Constant Hunger
High blood sugar levels prevent glucose from entering the cells, making us feel like we have no energy and are constantly hungry.
2. Constant Fatigue
When there is too much sugar in the body, it loses its natural ability to store and absorb glucose. Energy is wasted on completely useless activities (excessive sweating, heat) or is stored as fat, which is why we say sugar makes you gain weight. Remember, not all fatigue means too much sugar. This is fatigue that occurs without reason.
3. Frequent Urination
When there's too much sugar in the body, the bladder can't properly distribute fluids. The body then initiates a process to regulate blood glucose, which means you urinate more frequently. This means the body needs more fluids (water, of course!) to balance the internal sugar concentration. So: in such a case, drink and don't worry about frequent bathroom visits, as this means your body's processes are working.
4. Dry Mouth, Thirst
When the body quickly loses a lot of fluid, the part of the brain responsible for detecting dehydration sends a signal for thirst. Many people mistake this signal for hunger, which is very dangerous for gaining extra pounds. Drink only water, occasionally unsweetened tea, and the key task is to determine why your fluid level suddenly dropped.
5. Weight Loss
Yes, sugar can also cause weight loss, but it's unhealthy and extremely rapid weight loss, which you need to prevent even if you like it. Rapid weight loss is mostly due to fluid loss in the body, and dehydration can have lasting consequences. When blood insulin levels are insufficient, the body starts using fat reserves for energy to normalize sugar levels. Weight loss usually comes with intense thirst and dry mouth. Don't persist in such a state and find another way to lose weight.
6. Dry Skin
Dry skin can also be a result of too much sugar. Moreover, it's a sign of fluid deficiency. The problem of dry skin can indicate issues with atherosclerosis, poor circulation, and vascular problems. Additionally, dry skin can hide problems with sweat glands, again due to dehydration.
7. Circulation Problems
Do you feel cold in the summer? Cold feet, hands, nose? Too much sugar blocks glucose from entering the brain, causing fatigue initially, then the body directs all energy to the head, leaving less for other parts. The most dangerous is hypothermia in the liver and kidney area.
8. Blurred Vision
Do you sometimes lose your vision, see everything blurry, or see double? With too much sugar, the eye loses its ability to focus and sharpen. Again, the solution is more fluids.
9. Nervousness
Nervousness, irritability... People with too much sugar, whose levels suddenly drop, are prone to depression, are usually irritable and lack energy. Their thoughts and actions reflect this negativity. People with negative energy often just have too much sugar in their bodies, and a glass or two of water would calm them down.
Finally, an important scientific finding: insulin in the blood cannot work effectively without enough chromium in the body. Chromium helps maintain blood sugar levels.
And where can we find chromium?
Foods rich in chromium include: grains, potatoes, dried plums, peanut butter, nuts, seafood, meat, eggs, tomatoes, leafy lettuce, mushrooms, cocoa, brewer's yeast ...