1. Milk
Milk is a relatively healthy source of protein and calcium, but the problem before bed is lactose. Lactose is a sugar that heats up the body, causes acidity in the stomach, and at night can cause so-called brain cramps.

2. Pasta
The problem with pasta is the carbohydrates, which turn into sugar in the body, causing an insulin spike in the blood. Additionally, pasta is high in calories—too many to ruin your day so easily.

3. Chocolate
Chocolate has a lot of fat and many good minerals, but also a lot of sugar and caffeine. Eating chocolate in the evening doesn't let the body calm down, raises cortisol levels, which promotes the breakdown of muscle tissue in the body.

4. Pizza
Pizza is high in calories, carbohydrates, and saturated fats, which sit in your stomach and can cause cramps at night. Remember: eating pizza in the evening almost entirely turns into excess weight.

5. Chili
Chili contains a lot of healthy proteins, but in the evening it can cause heartburn and stomach cramps. Additionally, during the evening when internal processes are also slowing down, it inhibits the breakdown of carbohydrates. This can cause stomach ulcers.

6. Chinese Food
Chinese food contains a lot of fats, which are mostly healthy, and also a lot of carbohydrates. When we eat a Chinese food combination in the evening, it sits in our stomach all night, and in the morning we wake up tired, with bad breath, and dehydrated... If you can't avoid Chinese food in the evening, try at least to avoid white rice, which is the biggest problem.

7. Fruit Juices, Fruit
Fruit juices cause acidity in the body and belching, which can be very unpleasant at night. Additionally, fructose in the blood causes 70% more insulin than white sugar. Fruit in the evening is on the list of forbidden foods.