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Datum: 24. JUN 24 - INTERESTING
5 Carbs Worse than White Bread
Who says that carbs from white bread are the worst for our health and figure? There are some that are even worse!
Just because you've cut white bread from your diet doesn't mean you're safe from carbohydrates. Unfortunately, there are some even more challenging foods...

1. Coffee with Lots of Sugar, Cream, and Chocolate
Did you know that a loaded cup of coffee can have up to 400 calories, and as many carbs as 80 grams of pasta? The coffee itself isn't problematic, but the add-ins are.

2. Fruit Juices
If you make juice from at least three types of fruit in the morning, keep in mind that 2 deciliters of juice can have up to 75 grams of carbs and 65 grams of sugar.

3. Cheese Crackers
Crackers might not have many carbs, but they also lack other nutrients. In fact, they are quite empty and contain a lot of additives, chemicals, and artificial colorings. Don't be fooled by organic crackers, as the differences are minimal, and there are no real benefits for your body.

4. Muffins, Donuts
An average-sized donut or muffin can have up to 64 grams of carbs and more than 30 grams of sugar. Try to stick to the rule of not eating more than 50 grams of muffins or donuts per day.

5. Fruit Yogurt
A cup of fruit yogurt contains 12 to 15 grams of carbs and also a lot of sugar. Most of these are processed carbs that burn quickly in the body and really have no significant impact on health.
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