Broccoli is among the most beneficial foods in the world. It has a lot of vitamin C, chlorophyll, antioxidants, fiber, substances that destroy cancer cells, and many other nutrients. However, Chinese scientists discovered in 2009 that all these elements in broccoli are only present in their raw state or if steamed for no more than 2 minutes.
2. Strawberries

Strawberries also have a lot of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C, but this doesn't apply to greenhouse strawberries. There is also one important thing: the nutrients in strawberries are sensitive to light and oxygen, so store strawberries in a dark and cool place and eat them as soon as possible. Scientists have calculated that strawberries are best 30 minutes after being picked.
And don't forget: a pack of frozen strawberries often has more vitamins than fresh ones. This is especially true in autumn and winter months.
3. Black Tea

Drinking tea is not a simple matter. Some drink it with a teaspoon of honey, a slice of lemon, milk... Studies have shown that any addition to tea reduces its medicinal power. While the antioxidants remain unaffected, the lactic acid in milk completely nullifies the tea's benefits.
4. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are a true treasure of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants (especially lignans). However, all this is for nothing if you combine flaxseeds with yogurt or an energy drink. Additionally, ground flaxseeds are less nutritious.
5. Garlic

Garlic contains a chemical compound called allicin, which inhibits cancer cells, bacteria, and fungi in the body. Furthermore, garlic is also very rich in vitamin C, which loses its power in the air. However, allicin gains power in the air. That's why experienced cooks leave chopped garlic to stand for at least 10 minutes. This way, a completely new power of garlic is activated...
6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are primarily rich in lycopene, which prevents the development of heart and vascular diseases, cancer, and inflammatory diseases, but this is true only if the tomatoes are heat-treated at at least 90 degrees Celsius. The healthiest tomatoes are thus grilled tomatoes.
7. Yogurt

If there is liquid in the yogurt, do not pour it away. This is whey, which contains a lot of proteins, vitamin B12, calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals.
Also, consider the advice to add a spoonful of sour milk to grilled meat or pour it with whey. This way, the dish will be richer in calcium, vitamin D, and probiotics.