Did you know that the body needs 40 liters of water to function smoothly? So, if you drink 2 liters of water a day, it will take 20 days to replace the old water in your body with fresh water. That's why it's essential for your circulation to work flawlessly and for digestion to flush out all harmful substances. How can you achieve this?
The solution is not to drink a liter of water in the evening but to drink enough fluids throughout the day to allow the hydration process to take place in the body. Only in this way can you rely on the miraculous power of water.
1. Water Eases Headaches
If the water level in your body drops by 25 to 30 percent, severe headaches can already occur. Headaches can also happen because the power of magnesium and phosphates decreases, so a glass of mineral water is an ideal solution in such cases.
2. Water Detoxifies the Body and Strengthens the Kidneys
90 percent of toxic substances are excreted through the kidneys, which means that drinking more water can speed up these processes and prevent inflammation and even kidney stones. Water-soluble toxins can quickly cause additional problems in "stagnant" water.
3. High Blood Pressure
A lack of water in the body raises blood pressure, which puts more strain on the heart and blood vessels. We even recommend drinking a glass of water 20 minutes before each blood pressure measurement to eliminate the effect of dehydration on your pressure levels.
4. Proper Eating
Did you know that you shouldn't drink water during a meal because it dilutes stomach acid, causing the stomach to produce more than necessary? If you need to drink while eating, opt for a glass of wine instead, as it contains many vitamins and even more antioxidants, and it also has anti-inflammatory and stimulating effects in the body. But let that be your only glass of alcohol for the day. Don't ease your thirst with alcohol.
5. Prevents Allergies
Various allergies can break out due to water retention or lack of water in the body. Additionally, a lack of water in the body also weakens the immune system and circulation. Besides drinking enough water, make sure you sweat abundantly. This is the only way to speed up water circulation in your body.
6. Weight Loss
If you squeeze the juice of half a lemon into 3 dcl of water, your digestion will become more active, and your body will burn more calories than usual. Lemon juice is highly alkaline and also reduces appetite. If you dissolve a bit of honey in the lemonade, you will get an excellent weight loss drink. The body uses 15 times more calories to process a gram of honey than with regular food.