When a Canadian physiotherapist studied snacks, he also came across the combination of beer and peanuts. The results impressed him, and a more detailed analysis revealed even more positive effects.
What's it all about?
Beer is a popular beverage that quenches thirst. It hydrates the body very well and contains plenty of vitamins B12, C, and D. Among the minerals, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium stand out, though the downside is, of course, the alcohol. However, similar to wine, in moderate amounts, it acts as a medicine, which means that 2 dl of beer with lunch is very beneficial.
What about the peanuts?
Canadian scientist Ronal Mogan discovered the combination of beer and peanuts while researching the perfect snack. Despite its abundance of beneficial substances, beer lacks sodium and potassium, which are necessary for muscle recovery and cell regeneration. Both are plentiful in peanuts, which should be unsalted and free from other additives. Fried peanuts are also acceptable, although natural ones are the best.
Tests showed that a glass of beer and a handful of peanuts is the best snack after a strenuous workout or significant physical activity. This combination helps beer establish a moisture balance in the body, while peanuts fulfill the need for minerals. Research has also shown that light beer is better than dark beer. Light beer is even better than mineral water.
However, we cannot overlook the fact that alcohol in beer slows down metabolism.
It's important not to overdo it.