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Datum: 20. JUN 24 - INTERESTING
Diet without dieting and 2 kg less per week
Carefully consider your eating habits, make a few minor changes, and you will lose weight slowly and healthily.
To lose weight, you don't have to strictly follow a meal plan. Positive results come from small changes in eating habits, and the results will be visible after the first week.

Before starting any diet, you must understand that you need to eat enough fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Only a varied diet is also healthy. Do not lose weight at the expense of your health.

Fresh fruit is better than cooked or frozen, and the best choices are apples or berries. Avoid those with high sugar content, such as pears or bananas.

Eat as many vegetables as possible, as you don’t need to worry about gaining weight from them. If possible, eat as much green vegetables as you can.

Have only one serving of starch per day. If possible, let it be breakfast or lunch. Besides, halve the usual portion: half a potato or half a cup of whole grains.

Nutritionists recommend that each meal should contain at least 80 to 100 grams of protein. Eat egg whites, chicken, fish, lean pork, or legumes. These foods will keep you full for hours.

Dairy products
Drink at least 2 cups of cow's or soy milk every day. Additionally, you can have 2 cups of yogurt or sour milk. Be careful not to overdo it with milk in dairy products.

Healthy fats
Healthy fats are those found in avocados, olive oil, nuts (pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds). Fatty fish (tuna, salmon, sardines, herring, trout, mackerel) are also a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids. Healthy fats are also found in soy and almond milk, tofu, and nut butters (peanut, almond, walnut, or macadamia butter).
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