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Datum: 19. JUN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
The place where you gain weight reveals the diseases you are prone to
If you are gaining weight, don't worry about it. Instead, make sure to address the cause, as it may be hiding serious diseases...
The shape of your body reveals the diseases you are prone to and those that pose the greatest threat to you. Until you address the cause of these risks, you will continue to gain weight, unsuccessfully trying new diets. They won't help you!

Abdomen, waist
Fat around the abdomen and waist is among the most dangerous. People who accumulate fat in this area of the body often suffer from heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Experts recommend eating fewer carbohydrates, opting for dark chocolate instead of sweets, and basing your meals primarily on proteins (chicken or turkey meat, fish). Of course, cardio workouts, swimming, cycling, running, and strength training are particularly recommended.

Thighs and hips
This body shape is characterized by thin arms, smaller shoulders, and excess weight accumulating in the thighs, buttocks, and hips. This fat does not directly threaten the function of internal organs or damage them but does create unnecessary pressure on blood vessels. Over time, people with this body shape develop knee and joint problems. Experts suggest avoiding all types of bread and bakery products, removing all whole grain products, oatmeal, and lentils from the diet... It is recommended to engage in at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity daily, and do exercises for hips and thighs. The problem with this body type is that you may never be able to completely get rid of it.

Chest and shoulders
People with this body shape usually have a narrower waist and hips. They are known to have very active adrenal glands that speed up their metabolism, which generally prevents weight gain. However, excess weight still accumulates and stays in the upper body, which can lead to heart disease and osteoporosis. Experts recommend consuming foods rich in proteins and doing exercises to strengthen the lower body. The problem with this shape is that many think it is a healthy, natural shape, but it is not. Heart attacks are very common in these cases.

Evenly distributed excess
This is also not completely fine because it hides all the diseases mentioned and more. In young women, this shape is often recognized by strong fingers and hips. Scientists believe that this is associated with better reproductive capabilities and a lower tendency toward depression, but diabetes, vascular problems, and spinal issues are very common problems. It is advisable to watch your diet and include high-quality fats such as nuts and seeds.

Athletic build
The peculiarity of this body shape is that there are no pronounced hips, and therefore you practically don't need to lose weight. However, it can hide problems with heart disease, diabetes, and breast cancer. Experts recommend eating more flax seeds (in general, more fiber), more fruits (especially berries and peaches), and avoiding excessive strain, which includes (overly) hot weather.
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