The Health Benefits of Raspberries
Raspberries strengthen the immune system and are particularly good at preventing all kinds of inflammations. They are also beneficial for dealing with skin diseases and managing type II diabetes. Recently, more and more research is showing that raspberries are also good for cancer treatment. Initially, it was thought that antioxidants, of which raspberries have a lot, were responsible for this. However, more evidence suggests that these tiny red fruits have some other components that visibly help with breast and colon cancers. Phytonutrients in raspberries prevent healthy cells from becoming cancerous and signal cancer cells to self-destruct. How and why this happens, we still don't know. Additionally, these same phytonutrients similarly affect brain cells, making us smarter after eating raspberries.

The most nutritious raspberries are the Rubus rosifolius variety, which primarily grows in America, Australia, and some parts of East Asia. A study published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis proves that this type of raspberry reduces the risk of lung cancer by 54%, colon cancer by 50%, and stomach cancer by 37%.
Unfortunately, the variety of raspberries that grows in our region is half as effective.

Be Cautious with Raspberry Diets
As the world rediscovers raspberries, it's clear that a bunch of products exploiting this initial enthusiasm are emerging. The first thing merchants recognized as promising are raspberry ketones, which help with weight loss. Even more! Ketones help you maintain your weight, so it's recommended to consume them after finishing a diet when you've reached your desired weight. Of course, you’d be committed to a hefty dose of ketones for life, which is a very profitable business for many.
To maintain your weight, you need to consume at least 100 milligrams of ketones daily, for which you'd have to eat 40 kilograms of raspberries. Since no producer has that many raspberries, they resort to various industrial chemical processes, which, of course, do not have the same effects as natural fruit.