Flax seeds are extremely healthy, and many people wonder whether it is better to soak them in water the day before or if freshly ground seeds are better.
Flax seeds contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which strengthen the heart and blood vessels. They also contain a lot of lignans. Lignans are bioactive, non-nutritive, and non-caloric polyphenols of plant origin. Lignans are very important because they block estrogen in certain tissues, a hormone largely responsible for the development of cancers in the breasts, uterus, ovaries, prostate, and more. Studies have shown that women with high levels of lignans have 15% less cancer, and lignans from flax seeds are the best remedy against breast tumors.
It is worth mentioning a study conducted at the University of Maryland Medical Center. The study involved 120 menopausal women diagnosed with cancer. All of them had to eat a muffin with 25 grams of flax seeds every day. The study lasted 40 days, and the cancer significantly decreased in all participants. They also found that lignans apparently prevent colon cancer, improve hormonal profiles (even in men), prevent osteoporosis, and all cardiovascular diseases.
Lastly, we must not forget the water-soluble fibers, mainly galactoxylan and arabinoxylan. These fibers have been proven to prevent colon and duodenal cancer and significantly increase the absorption of nutrients.
From this, you probably already understand how to prepare flax to be healthier?!
Freshly ground flax seeds are extremely rich in nutrients. If you mix freshly ground seeds with yogurt or kefir, you will further enhance the healing properties of this method.
On the other hand, if you want to strengthen your intestinal flora, give preference to soaked seeds, as they soothe stomach inflammation, prevent intestinal diseases...
The answer to the seed dilemma is therefore simple: both preparation methods are excellent. Remember this the next time you prepare breakfast.