The basis of this record is not a serious research, as it doesn't exist yet, but you can form your own opinion.
When the covid virus epidemic was at its peak, Dr. Sohaib Ashraf from the university hospital in Massachusetts decided, with his team, to search among existing medicines for a remedy that would help alleviate the symptoms of covid and reduce the number of deaths.
After a year of reviewing all the medicines and combinations of them, they decided to extend the research to folk remedies.
We must understand that this was happening at a time when the world did not yet know about vaccines, and humanity had no weapon against this disease. Dr. Ashraf found it strange that there was no medicine that seemed even slightly promising, as the coronavirus is not a new virus.
During a half-serious debate, a suggestion emerged whether they had tried cumin and honey. Both have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anticoagulant properties.
The first tests were shocking...
Dr. Ashraf posted a request on the MedRxiv server (a server where unconfirmed research findings are collected) to see if anyone else had tried a similar combination.
A year later, when wealthy countries already had a vaccine, there was a response from Pakistan, where they didn't have money for a vaccine, but they could get cumin and honey. Their experiment involved 313 patients, and those who received cumin with honey recovered in 6 to 13 days, while those who did not recovered in 14 to 21 days. Additionally, the mortality rate for those with honey and cumin was less than 4%, while for others, it was more than 18.87%.
Half of the patients treated with cumin and honey returned to work after 4 days!
What kind of therapy was it?
Patients were given a mixture of 1 gram of honey for every kilogram of body weight and 0.8 grams of ground black cumin. The mixture was spread throughout the day, and patients consumed it half an hour before a meal.
More extensive clinical studies are still lacking, and it is questionable whether they will ever be conducted. Humanity has vaccines and quite a few pharmaceutical treatments, and treatment with cumin and honey will probably remain the only lifeline for poorer countries.
Well, maybe this advice can save us a visit to the doctor this fall when flu season comes again... If nothing else, these are completely natural ingredients without side effects ...