Swiss chard belongs to the same family as spinach and beets. It is rich in vitamin K, which plays an important role in blood clotting, maintaining health, and strengthening bones. It is especially recommended for athletes as it alleviates muscle cramps, helps people with frequent headaches, and several studies have confirmed that Swiss chard effectively prevents digestive tract cancer.
The journal Neurology published a study confirming the positive role of Swiss chard in various diseases. They recommend 3 servings of Swiss chard per week, with 200 grams per serving. This reduces the risk of cancerous diseases by 40%.
Additionally, it's important to note that spinach and Swiss chard contain high levels of nitrates, which convert to nitrites and then to nitrosamines during heating, which are believed to be carcinogenic. However, researchers are not unanimous on this. Some believe that nitrates and nitrites are actually beneficial to health.
It is true, however, that the concentration of nitrates in Swiss chard is relatively low, similar to those found in medications.
Swiss chard is also a low-calorie food (100 grams have 14 to 20 calories) and helps maintain body weight. It is rich in magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, as well as carbohydrates, proteins, and vegetable oils, making it a superfood for the brain. Therefore, it boosts concentration, memory, rejuvenates the nervous system, and has a calming effect.
Swiss chard should be the first choice for people with poor vision, as it contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are essential vitamins for the eyes.
When cooking, be careful not to overcook Swiss chard. Five to ten minutes in a covered pot is enough. Ensure the leaves do not turn gray, and buy only fresh Swiss chard, which should be firm and free of brown spots.
Remember that you can keep Swiss chard in the refrigerator for up to two days, wrapped in a damp cloth.
Lastly, and most importantly: Swiss chard gives a feeling of fullness for five hours, which is the longest among all vegetables, most of which satiate us for only two to four hours.