There are many truths about potatoes. Potatoes can indeed make you gain weight if combined with the wrong foods. They can also significantly aid in a weight-loss diet, as seen with the yogurt diet. The main role of potatoes lies elsewhere. Potatoes are rich in potassium and help the body detoxify, stimulate kidney function, and have a mild diuretic effect (they help remove water). Additionally, potatoes effectively reduce appetite and give a feeling of fullness for several hours.
Yogurt is rich in calcium, which is also an extremely important element in our body for building bones and teeth, and helps with muscle regeneration... It is important to eat natural yogurt without additives, sugar, preservatives, and colorings. If you are choosing, try to select Greek yogurt for this diet, which has slightly more (healthy) fats, but provides a longer feeling of fullness.
Tests show that with potatoes, yogurt, and water, you can lose up to a kilogram a day, but do not stick to this diet for more than a week. The ideal duration for the diet is three days, then eat normally for three days (just make sure to stay within the recommended calorie limits), and then you can repeat the 3-day diet.
How does the potato and yogurt diet work?
During the diet days, you can only eat potatoes, yogurt, and water. For better taste, you can also include a few slices of cheese, strawberries, or an apple.
For breakfast, drink a cup (2 dl) of yogurt, to which you can add some oats or fruit (bananas, raisins). You can also eat a slice of low-fat cheese. Make sure the cheese is not too salty.
For lunch, you can have boiled or baked potatoes mixed with 2 dl of yogurt.
For dinner, you can have one large boiled potato or baked potato. For better taste, you can add one or two slices of cheese.
As a snack between meals, eat an apple or some strawberries (no more than a handful - as many as you can fit in one hand). It is also very important to drink at least two liters of water a day, avoiding alcohol, sugary drinks, and all sweets (coffee, tea, cocoa).