On I Know What I Eat, we recently wrote about the U.S. admission from 1992 that fluoride was intentionally added to water to make people more apathetic and easier to control. Practically every country in the world followed this example, including Yugoslavia and later Slovenia! At this press conference, where they remorsefully talked mainly about the dangers of fluoride, high-ranking officials from the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) mentioned that fluoride was only part of a larger plan from 1950. At that time, the outlines of a new economic crisis were already emerging, which could lead to another war (let's not forget that both world wars arose due to people's dissatisfaction!). Everyone who knew the consequences of the two atomic bombs on Japan knew that the world wouldn't survive a third war. Additionally, there was a shortage of all kinds of raw materials, hospitals were filled with people still injured from the war, and jobs were practically nonexistent...
At that time, the solution was offered by the wealthiest. They offered it in the form of food, specifically sweeteners, and the illusion of comfort (television, entertainment). This could be called the original sin.
Money Means Nothing to the Rich
Today, the 100 wealthiest people control approximately 880 billion dollars, of which 300 billion is in some way connected to the food and agricultural industries.
Do you think it's a coincidence that the association of the richest people hired the renowned geneticist Dr. Robert Horsch to lead research on genetically modified vitamins? With a salary of 264.5 million dollars, certain results are expected.
Did you know that Bill Gates bought 50,000 shares of the infamous seed corporation Monsanto in 2010? The purchase value was 23 million dollars, which is modest for the Gates family, and this purchase wouldn't be mentioned if it weren't for the consolidation of investments. There's no official data, but it's speculated that Gates and his foundation (read: the 100 wealthiest) gained a majority stake and control over global agriculture. Why?
Then there's the unusual project with the innocent name Controlled Parenthood, developed by the American Evangelical Society, which the rich generously support. Bill Gates even admitted in an interview in 2003 that he was misled by the evangelist Thomas Malthus. What exactly he meant by how he was misled isn't known, but despite admitting this "mistake," their cooperation didn't stop. In fact, controlled parenthood is spreading to other continents (primarily Africa), where they already know that this project actually means controlling the population (by the way, in Africa, 40% of those over 50 have health problems, making them a burden on state budgets).

Is controlled parenthood, therefore, a nicer term for eradicating useless eaters?
The term useless eaters is hard for many to understand. What kind of conspiracy is it if people have a lot, even too much food? No one refuses a sweet life, right?
Unfortunately, things are far from idyllic...
We find an interesting situation online, in which the internet giant Google is indirectly and financially involved. More and more researchers, biologists, and doctors are finding that carbohydrates are the cause of many health problems. Carbohydrates give the body energy for a short time, but in half an hour, you're even hungrier, thirstier, you become dependent, you gain weight... It's probably clear that corporations love such consumers. Especially the food and pharmaceutical industries (who has the biggest profits today?!).
On the other hand, half the amount of proteins and fats provide the body with the same amount of energy, which develops slowly in the body, so you feel full longer, and the energy is provided in a way that doesn't store and deposit within our bodies.
When Scandinavian doctors first started questioning the magical power of carbohydrates 20 years ago, paid researchers immediately appeared, whose sole purpose was to confuse the public and blur the picture.

Is a person who replaces carbohydrates with fat really healthier? Is it true that if everyone in the world stopped eating carbohydrates, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases would be eradicated? Can you imagine the profit some would lose?!
The acronym LCHF (low carbohydrate, high fat) is not a diet, as some mistakenly understand, but a lifestyle and a different worldview. Many also call LCHF the paleo diet, because it supposedly represents the way of eating that humans had in ancient times, which is true, but it hides another marketing consumer fraud.
A good example is the vitamin supplements for smoothies, which are very popular lately. Why would you need vitamin and mineral supplements along with a fresh fruit drink?! Perhaps because the fruit isn't as fresh as it could be? Because it doesn't have as strong a flavor as we're used to?
And what does Google have to do with LCHF?
If you read professional medical and popular science articles, almost everywhere they mention the harmfulness of carbohydrates. The entire field is united on this. Some are even so extreme that they propose a complete ban on carbohydrates, even ideas of a tax are emerging (a good example from our region is sugary drinks), while others advocate for balance and moderation, but practically no one mentions the acronym LCHF. Google's search engine counts a good 80,000 searches for the term LCHF per month. How small this number is, is evidenced by the fact that green coca-cola had more than 2 million searches.
Does this mean that people aren't interested in healthy food and prefer sweet, industrial, artificial food? If something is green, it doesn't necessarily mean it's bio, eco...
The reason why LCHF isn't talked about more lies with advertisers. The internet (two-thirds of the advertising pie is controlled by Google with the AdWords system) is based on keywords. Those keywords that more advertisers buy have more websites. Where there are no advertisers, there's no web presence. The richest couldn't have dreamed of a better system than keyword advertising. If you don't want something, you simply don't advertise it.
To make the picture clearer, we must also remember the news from March this year, when Larry Page, one of the co-founders of Google, "donated" a billion dollars for a project led by Monsanto. The same Monsanto in which Gates invested millions. The same Monsanto that has the patent for the most widespread sweetener in the world, aspartame, and in the U.S. they have already achieved that it doesn't need to be mentioned on labels anymore, because it is supposedly so widespread that it would have to be written everywhere. And the list goes on...
Statistics also show that Slovenians are 10 kilograms heavier today than we were at independence. In the U.S., a third of children are obese. Severely obese! Half of the people in the western part of the world (Europe, including Slovenia, the U.S.) have diabetes. Various strokes are the cause of death for a third of men. This is true for developed western countries.
On the other hand, Swedes prove with analyses that cholesterol isn't responsible for strokes, but a sudden drop in cholesterol. Tamiflu, a flu medicine, turns out to be just a placebo. Nutritional supplements are the most uncontrolled area in a world that controls everything possible.

Do you really know what you're eating?
Recently, someone asked how they will look at today's time in 100 years. Technology will certainly advance greatly, and they might laugh at today's phones, televisions, cars, but they will be appalled when they see what we eat. Therefore, it is very important that we are capable of rational thinking about what is healthy for our bodies today.
We can only do this if we know what we're eating.