Polenta is a dish prepared by cooking cornmeal, and it is among the traditional Slovenian dishes that unjustly disappear from our menus. It's not true that it only goes well with cabbage, stew, mushroom soup, or any stew. You can combine it with eggs, bacon...
Polenta has a low glycemic index, helps increase muscle mass, and some studies show that it greatly reduces the risk of diabetes. It's rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers, and proteins. Polenta is a good source of beta-carotene, which is even more digestible than in carrots and spinach. It supports the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Polenta doesn't contain gluten.
Compared to bread, polenta has half the calories. 100 grams of polenta has 100 calories. Unlike bread, it doesn't cause bloating and doesn't contain yeast."