As unbelievable as it may sound, if it's a deficiency of this nutrient, the problem is simply solvable. Often, behind the craving for sweets lie more serious emotional issues that cannot be resolved overnight. So, you just might be lacking magnesium.
Magnesium, in fact, plays a role in regulating blood sugar. If you're deficient in magnesium, insulin levels rise, which increases cravings for sweets, for simple carbohydrates, because the body believes it lacks energy (which is mostly not true).
The solution to this is snacks between meals that are rich in magnesium: sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, cashews.
But wait, there's more!
It turns out that snacks between meals are very important because they help us eat less, while also assisting in metabolism and more precise breakdown of nutrients.
If you listen to your body and indulge in at least two (or three - the third being after dinner if you go to bed late!) snacks in addition to the three main meals, the portions will be smaller, which means you'll also find it easier to lose weight.
You see, weight loss isn't about starving yourself, but rather about dietary reform.
And one more thing will happen to you. If sweets start accumulating in your drawers, then you're on the right track.