Eating smaller portions is a common point in all diets. And if you can do it without starving, it can be a great start to a diet. You just need some order and discipline...
1. Always fill your plate with vegetables and fruits first, and save carbohydrates for last
If you fill your plate with a lot of carbohydrates (pasta) and/or starch (potatoes, rice), then no diet will benefit you. The essence of smaller portions is to consume fewer calories, so your plate should have more than half vegetables, with a smaller portion for everything else. This is important because of the nutrients in vegetables, and also because you'll feel full for longer after eating vegetables. Once you find vegetables you enjoy, weight loss will proceed smoothly.
2. Use a smaller plate
Not just a smaller plate, but smaller utensils can also help. Using a smaller spoon will make you eat slower, which is also an important measure in any diet. Research has shown that people always fill 70% of their plate regardless of its size. And also... The more colorful the food, the more you'll eat. And the color contrast is more pronounced with darker plates.
3. Have a source of protein on your plate every time
Proteins are the building blocks in our bodies used to build new cells, replace dead ones, aid in regeneration, and assist in all internal processes. Proteins provide energy. If you have enough proteins, you won't feel sleepy, tired, or have trouble sleeping. Proteins are like bricks without which you can't build a house. Good sources of protein include fish, seafood, eggs, skinless chicken, tofu, beans...
4. Ensure there's enough fiber on your plate
The biggest problem with processed food is the lack of fiber, which cleanses the intestines and provides long-lasting satiety. Fiber cannot be processed by our bodies, it doesn't raise blood sugar levels, nor does it raise blood pressure, and it reduces calories. Soy is among the best ratios of protein and fiber. Studies have shown that those who eat soy for lunch consume 70% fewer evening snacks.
5. When eating, do nothing else
It's very important to always be focused on your food. Don't watch TV, check your phone, or even work on your computer while eating. It's important that your brain is focused on food and don't let yourself be distracted. It's already a problem because the signal from the stomach takes 20 minutes to reach the brain, and during this time, you're most likely to overeat. Overeating can be a serious problem.
6. Drink before the meal
Water is the only thing in the world that has no calories, but it has other benefits. Among other things, it fills the space in the stomach, so you'll eat less. Studies show that if you drink 2 dl of water before a meal, you'll eat 13% fewer calories. If you do this with every meal, you can easily consume 500 fewer calories per day than what's optimal for you. This is already a result of healthy weight loss. If you stick to it, you'll lose a few kilograms in a week, and you won't even realize it.