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Datum: 20. APR 24 - INTERESTING
Now is the time for fatty fish, rice, and Swiss chard
Did you know that fatty fish in spring is the best way to boost your immune system? If you want to avoid getting sick, these are the best defenses ...
We often hear that vitamin D is crucial for the immune system and that's why we should eat more seafood and fatty fish, with mackerel and salmon leading the pack. Not only do they fill us with vitamins and other important minerals, but they also lift our spirits and provide the much-needed energy our bodies need during these times.

On the other hand, spring also burdens the respiratory tract more (not just the weather changes, but also issues with pollen), so we should also pay attention to vitamin A.

And there's one more thing nutritionists warn about. Brown rice is the champion in fiber content. It also contains a lot of tryptophan, amino acids, and of course, melatonin and serotonin, which help with better sleep. If we wake up refreshed in the morning, and our bodies have completed all cleansing and regenerative functions at night, we'll feel better throughout the day. This is especially important during the unpredictable April weather.

And one more thing we mustn't overlook... Leafy green vegetables contain a lot of chlorophyll, which defends us against viruses and bacteria of all kinds. Additionally, green vegetables purify the blood, prevent acidification, and help cleanse the body. The strongest player in this department is Swiss chard!
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