- 8 cups of water
- 5 cm of ginger root
- fresh mint
- 1 mid- sized cucumber
- 1 lemon
Wash all ingredients well under running water. Because you will use them with shell, be sure they are really bio. If not, dip them into vinegar for 10 minutes and then wash. Then cut all the ingredients into cubes and place them in a glass jug. Pour water over it and let it stand overnight.
In doing so, you do not have to mix and squeeze anything because the nutrients themselves will pass from ingredients to water.
On the next day it is important to drink all 8 cups, but not at once. You distribute the amount of water throughout the day, but we recommend that you do not drink any other beverages in the meantime, including fruit smoothies.
As mentioned, there are many derivatives of the basic recipe. If you do not like the taste of ginger, you can use horseradish instead. If you want to make water with a stronger taste, then use chilli. Red pepper is also very healthy. Instead of lemon, you can use grapefruit which will variegate flavor and improve nutritional value. For a slightly sweet variant, use an orange ...
To conclude with an interesting fact. If you want to speed weight loss and at the same time strengthen the immune system and blood count, then, before the last cup of sassy water, eat a spoon of olive oil mixed with a finely chopped clove of garlic. Drink the sassy through this mixture and then go to bed fast, as you do not want to get hungry at this point.