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Datum: 6. APR 24 - INTERESTING
Food that Makes Us Happy
We've gathered 5 foods that make everyone who eats them happy. How so? The secret lies in the nutritious substances they contain ...
When are people happy? When there are no unwanted knots or blockages in the digestive system, when all organs are functioning normally, and there's no discomfort. In such cases, even the nervous system operates calmly and doesn't need to send us messages, as most of us don't listen to them anyway, let alone understand.

1. Oranges, Lemons, and Other Citrus Fruits
Oranges are considered the food that makes us happiest. They contain a lot of vitamin C, which reduces the levels of stress hormones. And you won't believe it: just one orange calms us down more than any medication. Plus, it's healthy. So, eat an orange when you're most tired and feel like things are slipping out of your hands. It helps!

2. Walnuts
The key components in walnuts are vitamin E, amino acids, and magnesium. Additionally, walnuts have a low glycemic index, meaning they don't cause weight gain, lower blood sugar levels, and don't cause mood swings. You should eat a handful of walnuts every day.

3. Leafy Green Vegetables
Kale or spinach contain a lot of folic acid, which reduces depression and improves blood flow to the brain. So, don't just eat green vegetables once a day, you can enjoy them multiple times (even recommended!), and we also recommend taking folic acid as a dietary supplement.

4. Salmon
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce depression, improve memory, and overall improve your mood. To a slightly lesser extent but still highly recommended, mackerel and sardines.

5. Cherries, including dried cherries, or cherry juice
Cherries are notably high in potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C, making this fruit almost mandatory for stress defense. Cherries in all forms keep the brain healthy, contain a lot of antioxidants, have plenty of vitamin C, and prevent damage to all cells, which is crucial in inhibiting tumor growth and metastasis. You should eat a handful of cherries every day. Also counts is 1 dcl of natural juice.
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