1. Did you know that during the process of converting brown rice to white, 70% of vitamin B3 (niacin) is destroyed, along with 80% of vitamin B1, 90% of vitamin B6, 50% of manganese and phosphorus, 60% of iron, and all dietary fiber and essential fatty acids are lost? What do you say, will you still eat white rice?!
2. Did you know that fiber eliminates constipation, lowers cholesterol, helps normalize blood sugar levels, aids in maintaining optimal weight, and protects against colon cancer?
3. Zinc strengthens the immune system and is crucial for health. It was once used to treat infertility and libido problems. The most zinc is found in pumpkin seeds.
4. Did you know that mice who drink blackcurrant juice every day also have a 50% longer lifespan? Such juice is rich in vitamin C and especially flavonoids, which strengthen the heart, blood vessels, and prevent clotting.
5. Did you know that flour and sugar are the biggest culprits for cancer?
6. Did you know that chlorinated water is more dangerous for lung cancer than tobacco?
7. Hair loss and vision are the only issues that eventually correct themselves.
8. Did you know that today the average European eats 33% more spinach than in 1931 when Popeye was most popular?
9. Did you know that apples belong to the rose family, almonds to the peach family, and bananas are not fruits but vegetables?
10. Foods with very few calories and lots of nutrients that you should eat every day are (in parentheses is the number of calories per 100 grams): onion (40), cucumbers (16), celery (16), Brussels sprouts (43), apples (52), oranges (47), cabbage (25), zucchini (17), cauliflower (25), carrots (41), broccoli (34), watermelon (30).