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Datum: 4. APR 24 - INTERESTING
9 Signs You
Sugar causes a lot of serious illnesses, and our bodies warn us with signs that we often overlook
Sugar enhances taste. That's the myth, which isn't entirely true. Moreover, it's hard to avoid sugar these days; it's everywhere. We're talking about a global addiction that spares no one. However, there are warning signs we should pay attention to:

1. Muscle and Joint Pain
Sugar causes internal inflammatory processes, which are mild at first but become stronger over time. Today, we know that the inflammations caused by sugar lead to arthritis, cataracts, heart diseases, poor memory, wrinkled skin...

2. Sugar Addiction
Sugar rapidly converts into energy in the body, releasing dopamine, which makes us feel happy. However, this happiness is fleeting and temporary. You might feel full, but sweet food provides no useful nutrients.

3. Energy Peaks and Crashes
Glucose is responsible for energy in the body, so it's crucial to maintain a stable blood sugar level. Any deviation can lead to an energy yo-yo effect, which damages the pancreas the most. A sudden drop in sweet energy triggers a craving for more sweets, and instead of lean protein and healthy fats, the body gets an unhealthy substitute that benefits no one.

4. Skin Inflammation, Acne
Foods containing added sugar cause an increase in blood insulin, and sugar binds to protein molecules. Increased insulin activity over time boosts oil gland activity on the skin, highlighting inflammatory processes. The risk of acne inflammation increases.

5. Weight Gain
Sweet snacks are almost entirely stored as excess fat, mostly around the abdomen. If you think that chocolate cake from a week ago can't harm you anymore, you'll be surprised to know that fats with added sugar cannot be processed into useful nutrients and therefore remain in the body. Studies have confirmed that sugar stays in our bodies for more than a week.

6. Tooth Decay
Sweet food is the main culprit for tooth decay. Although sugar doesn't directly rot teeth, food residues left on teeth trigger dangerous processes that cause tooth decay. After a sweet meal, you should brush your teeth. The same goes for meals containing dry cereals and carbohydrates.

7. High Sugar Tolerance
The more sugar you eat, the less sensitive you become to sugar. Taste buds get used to the sweet taste, and over time, they're no longer able to distinguish other foods, let alone sweet tastes. Natural, refined, and artificial sugars can destroy taste buds in just one week, making even a regular apple taste sour to you.

8. Frequent Colds and Flu
If you consume too much sugar, it blocks immune cells. Vitamin C has a similar immune structure to glucose. Instead of using vitamin C, the immune system takes glucose, which is powerless against flu bacteria. You'll first notice something is wrong after one-day illnesses.

9. Feeling Bloated
Too much sugar causes bloating, and the bacteria that form due to this cause havoc in the belly.

9 Signs You
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