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Datum: 3. APR 24 - INTERESTING
3 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Bread
Bread is the most important food for many people, and giving it up is not easy, even though it would be very beneficial.
Bread is a real bomb of carbohydrates. The worst part is that bread comes in various forms, and we think we're eating a diverse diet, even though that's not really the case. Bread has a significant impact on the body. This especially applies to white bread.

1. Bread Retains Water
If you give up bread, you'll consume fewer carbohydrates. This means less sugar, fewer fat deposits, better circulation, better digestion... But the worst thing about bread is that it causes water retention in the body, leading to toxicity and body acidity. The body stores excess carbohydrates as glycogen, which binds to water. Every gram of excess carbohydrates binds to 3 to 4 grams of water. It's probably not hard to calculate how many kilograms you can lose just by eating a kilogram less of bread per week than you do now.
And also... Baked goods fall into the bread category, which, due to their preparation methods and ingredients, can even be carcinogenic.

2. Bread Stimulates Appetite
Bread also raises blood sugar levels, which then drop rapidly. This confuses the brain, which consequently increases appetite. We must not forget that there is no direct connection between the stomach and the brain, and it takes about 20 minutes after the stomach is full for the brain to receive this message. So if you eat a roll before 20 minutes have passed, your brain won't realize that you've eaten anything. If this is followed by a rapid rise in sugar and then a sudden drop, you'll be hungry again after 20 minutes.
If you can't give up bread altogether, eat it extremely slowly. Try to eat a roll and watch the clock, and you'll see how long 20 minutes can be.

3. Exhaustion and Fatigue
Unlike whole wheat and whole grain bread, white bread lacks fiber, which is essential for normal intestinal function and digestion. This is also the reason why bread causes constipation and digestive problems.
In addition, carbohydrates are also food and fuel for the brain, which becomes confused when there are either too many or too few carbohydrates in the body. These fluctuations in the body create feelings of exhaustion and fatigue.
If you stop eating bread, you'll notice a significant improvement in how you feel.
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