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Datum: 25. MAR 18 - GOOD TO KNOW
Science fiction: does it actually cure cancer in 16 hours?
The story of artemisinin is a story of concealment, military secrets, misleading and causing panic. A story you need to know!
In 1971 an international group of scientists conducted a comprehensive study of natural medicines in Chinese traditional medicine. The survey was labeled "military secret". Even at that time, it was clear that Asian healers had more success in treating the worst diseases, and that by conventional chemical processes we will never be able to achieve such results. Today, we are witnessing an extraordinary advancement in technology, but all health research is associated with huge amounts of money and bureaucracy. It is more than obvious, that in the last 50 years, politics and pharmacy have built a powerful financial and bullying pillar to control the world.

But let's go back to the beginning..

The legend says that charismatic Chinese President Mao Tse Tung in the 1960s instructed his biologists to analyze medicines of classical Chinese medicine. At that time, China was suffering from a severe malaria epidemic, and the world had no effective medication. In addition, Mao did not want that his country would show a sign of weakness due to some uncredited disease.

While browsing through old recipes, researchers came across a two thousand year old recipe for preparing tea Kving Hau Su, which is esentially a tea made of wormwood. Even millennia ago, malaria was treated with it and it still works today. Chinese researchers managed to isolate the active substance and the Chinese anti-malaria drug became one of the best-kept secrets of the Cold War.

Yes, the Chinese were already thinking about biological wars at that time, and this was probably the reason that, after almost a decade, this secret finally leaked to scientists in the West.

Wormwood as a military secret

After one year of research, in 1972, Americans after all managed to synthesize a substance called artemisinin, which was supposed to be most responsible for the treatment of malaria and plague. What was most confusing for scientists, was the fact that Chinese used artemisinin in the form of tea and secondly as a tincture diluted in cold water. Is artemisinin really the medicine they were looking for, or do slanted eye communists have another ace in their sleeve?!

What followed was a period of silence.

In 2004, there was a turnaround. The Ethiopian Ministry of Health has approved the use of artemisinin in the fight against malaria (it is not known who and why he thought of it). The drugs they had available until then were 36% successful, and with the new method, the results were bordering science fiction. The effect was 99% in just a few hours. But the problem was in this one percent!

Artemisinin can be dangerous for pregnant women and their fetus in overdoses. It can also cause vomiting and coughing in children, and these arguments were big enough that the World Health Organization (WHO) limited the use of artemisinin only to the treatment of uncomplicated malaria. The "more demanding" procedures remained in the hands of pharmacy.

In 2013 there was a new problem with artemisinin. It was used against malaria in Cambodia and on the border with Thailand. When it seemed that humanity could finally overcome the disease with the new medicine, pharmacists reported that the virus had become immune to artemisinin. WHO then banned the advertising of any artemisinin-based medicine.

But the secret was already in the open.

In just a few months, a series of studies on the effects of artiemisinin on asthma and later on certain types of cancers (some of these were already made in the past, but no one took them seriously), were made. The results, both from professional circles, as well as from the testimonies of patients who tested this way of treatment (some examples are in Slovenia as well) are impressive. All happen to be convinced that artemisinin (also in combination with IP6 - this is a substance used in a Split hospital) can cure cancer, if you start treatment fast enough and if you have a healthy liver. This is because in such treatments, the liver is most affected.

The industry recognizes the power of wormwood

A few months ago, Life Science magazine published an article on a comprehensive artemisinine testing carried out at the University of California. In 28%, artemisinin cured cancer. When combined with iron, the drug destroyed 98% of all cancer cells in just 16 hours. Industry thus obtained unambiguous evidence that artemisinin (do not forget that it is a wormwood extract) is capable of selective destruction of cancer cells. The greatest potential is seen in lung and breast cancer, leukemia and fibrosarcoma (skin cancer) and, of course, malaria. Incidentally: within the research with artemisinin, researchers also came across black cohosh extract that shows very encouraging effects on breast cancer.

But the story of artemisinin does not end here! There is always another problem ...

Today, there is much more need for artemisinin than we can produce. It takes 18 months from the planting of wormwood to the final isolation of the medicine. That's why pharmacists quickly recognized their opportunity to produce synthetic artemisinin. In laboratories, they have already managed to raise yeast that produce artemisic acid, which can be converted into chemicals. According to pharmacists, such medicine is 10 times cheaper than natural counterpart and it can be produced in sufficient quantities.

Is artificial as effective as natural?!

In Europe, drugs with artemisinin have been banned for a long time (also producing plants for these purposes!), But in recent years things have improved. So it's already possible to buy artemisinin caps, but discuss this with your doctor. However, in conjunction with the miraculous Chinese medicine, there are way too many secrets for ordinary people to understand the entire background.

In any case, it is good to know and, as one of the users of artemisinin wrote on the web: "There is a medicine against cancer, it is called knowledge."
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