It should be added that these rules apply in 70 to 80% of cases. Deviations are always possible, which is sometimes good, but mostly not... It's good to know why you have a big belly (that's the only way you can fight against it).

Owners of this belly have fat deposits on the outer side of the abdominal cavity, rather than on the hips and thighs. Such a belly is characteristic of those who consume excessive amounts of refined sugar or alcohol. Both slow down metabolism and in the long run, harm all internal organs.

A nervous belly protrudes in the front, soft, lacking firmness, and forms fat rings around the waist. This is a sign that you are often under stress, that large amounts of cortisol are produced in the body, releasing large amounts of sugar into the blood. If you notice this, start using relaxation techniques as soon as possible. Remember, you need to try out different techniques because it's not guaranteed that you'll find the method that suits you best on the first try.

When the most important gland in our body cannot burn too many calories, a belly forms that extends around the entire abdominal cavity and often sags a bit. In women over 60, this could also be due to a lack of thyroxine, causing fatigue and constipation, but such problems can also occur in younger women and men of all ages. Despite the wonders of modern medicine, pancreatic problems are often an unsolvable puzzle.

This involves the accumulation of fat around the hips, as well as on the thighs and buttocks. Hormonal problems and especially excessive amounts of estrogen are often behind this. We do not know comprehensive solutions on how to react to such a belly, so it's best to discuss this with your personal physician. It could also be signs of depression, nervousness, and even epilepsy.

Such a belly is tense, protruding, and hard. When you touch it, you feel like you have a balloon in your belly. It most commonly occurs after consuming indigestible food - you can have this feeling for hours. Such a belly arises due to excessive fermentation, which causes the formation of gases, which can also be the result of consuming too much fiber. Liver problems, sleep problems, and the most obvious sign that you need to consider a thorough cleansing and detox diet could be hidden behind this.