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Datum: 16. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
How to curb your appetite?
Nutritionists have gathered some tips to protect us from excess weight and many diseases.
How to keep the body in top shape? How to not harm ourselves with food more than it benefits? How to protect ourselves from certain illnesses?

You can achieve all this by following these tips:
  • Drink a glass of water before each meal. This will fill up your stomach and you'll eat less as a result. This is one of the best tips that protects us from overeating.

  • Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly. The feeling of fullness comes about 20 minutes after the start of the meal.

  • Don't order multiple dishes at once. If you're still hungry, don't continue with the same food because obviously it didn't satisfy you. Your body needs something else.

  • Eat frequently and in portions. Overeating is the worst thing you can do. Additionally, with more smaller and varied portions, you get more nutrients and will stay full longer.

  • Take dietary supplements to reduce the need for certain foods. This group mainly includes vitamins (currently, vitamin D is the most popular).

  • Always include your family and friends in the rules for fighting appetite. In the end, everyone will follow your advice because it's clear to everyone that proper nutrition is the key to health and a beautiful appearance. So, it's always advisable not to eat alone.

  • Analyze what you've eaten throughout the day, and try to evaluate each meal. Over time, you'll find it much easier to control regular meals, but you'll benefit most from limiting snacks. These cause the most harm to the body.

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