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Datum: 10. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
Humanity will soon have to change its diet
Trends indicate that in 30 years, healthy food will only be available to the wealthy. This will be a feast for producers and merchants but a horror for medicine.
The British scientific journal for general medicine, Lancet, recently published a rather bleak forecast that we can still avoid.

The most striking statistic is 11 million deaths per year worldwide due to malnutrition, despite having enough food. This is a clear proof that the quality of food is much more important than quantity. And the quality is decreasing year by year.

Among the most important actions we can take today to avoid a catastrophe tomorrow is to reduce meat consumption by 80%, and sugar and fat consumption by 60%. Today, we consume more sugar and fat than fruits and vegetables.

By 2050, there will be 10 billion people on Earth, most of whom will be eating high-calorie food with lots of carbohydrates, much of which will be industrially processed. All to produce more, yet it will be nutritionally very poor.

Since we can't stop the increasing population (not even viruses have managed that), the only solution is to increase the number of plantations with nuts, grains, and vegetables.

We still have time today to save the world.
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