The climate is changing, temperatures are rising, which means some foods might not be as abundant in the future. Or they might be significantly less available. This will, of course, impact our everyday dietary habits. Do you know which foods these are?
1. Chocolate
While warm weather suits cocoa trees, they also need abundant rainfall and moisture. It could quickly happen that chocolate becomes so precious that ordinary people can no longer afford it.
2. Tea
The tea industry is quite large and omnipresent, but tea leaves are already becoming too hot, which drives away insects crucial for pollination. Some places already artificially cool tea shrubs today, and this problem will only get worse in the future. This means we will definitely be drinking less tea in the future.
3. Honey
Due to higher temperatures, there is increasingly more CO2 in the atmosphere, which reduces proteins in pollen. Proteins are the main source of bees' food. With more pronounced greenhouse effects, there will be fewer bees, and therefore, less high-quality honey. Today, we are already seeing more artificially produced honey on the market, and there will come a day when honey will be a luxury only for the wealthiest.
4. Rice
Scientists estimate that rice production will decrease by 20 to 40 percent by 2050. Considering that this is a staple food consumed by people worldwide, this will be a significant problem. Higher concentrations of carbon dioxide lead to lower nutritional value in rice. There will be less zinc, iron, and especially B vitamins. While there will be enough depleted rice, we will have to eat more of it to meet our body's needs. The depletion of rice already predicts a significant food crisis today.
5. Orchards
Apples, cherries, apricots, even plums are symbols of many orchards, which are seriously threatened by global warming. Researchers at the University of Melbourne in Australia already find that their climate is too hot today for growing apples. And not just that! High-quality fruit requires more and more water, which is becoming increasingly precious in these areas. When orchardists compare production costs, some types of fruit are no longer profitable.
6. Maple Syrup
The main ingredient of maple syrup is the sap of maple trees, which is noticeably decreasing day by day. In the next 80 years, the living space of maples will more than halve. Only the snowmelt has a calming effect on maple roots. Without it, the number of shoots containing the most healthy sap is significantly lower. This trend is already noticeable and is becoming a big problem today.
7. Coffee
Global warming is expected to reduce the size of coffee plantations by 50% by 2050. Excessive heat and lack of moisture will force many producers to seek alternatives, which will affect the taste, aroma, and of course, the price of coffee.
8. Wheat
A study by the University of Kansas showed that global wheat production decreased by a quarter from 2000 to 2020, and every degree increase in the atmosphere results in about a 6% lower yield. Moreover, wheat is becoming present in more and more products, which only increases the price of wheat, while there are more and more diseases among us (such as gluten sensitivity). This is a direct indicator that something is wrong with our climate.
9. Beer
Beer is one of the most popular beverages in the world, but analysts are already noticing a decline in production by 3 to 17 percent. Severe droughts severely affect barley and hops crops. Just for comparison: in Ireland, the price of a pint has increased by 193% in recent years.