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Datum: 3. MAR 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
Can you listen to your body?
8 things your body tells you but you don't pay attention to. Hmm ...
Our body is a perfect mechanism with many safety mechanisms that we are not aware of. Did you know that a healthy person produces enough saliva in their lifetime to fill 2 swimming pools? Did you know that a healthy person sweats out about 4 liters of sweat per day (if not, problems arise - that's why it's so important to stay physically active)? Did you know that our hand loses 50% of its strength without the little finger? Did you know that a person can survive without food for 3 weeks, but only 11 days without sleep? Did you know that the weight of all the hair we lose in our entire life is equal to the weight of two elephants?

The fact is, our body is active and we need to follow its lead. Even more! Our body is constantly communicating with us, but only a few understand what it's trying to say.

Here are some examples:

1. Insomnia, irritability, and leg cramps
All these are signs of a lack of magnesium and potassium. If you want to replenish your body with these minerals, you should eat more tomatoes, oranges, bananas, and spinach (even raw!).

2. Dry skin
Dry skin is not just a sign of the dry environment you live in (this is a common occurrence in winter months due to central heating). Dry skin can also be a sign of a lack of vitamin E. So you should eat more vegetables, plant oils, nuts, and fish.

3. Craving for sweets
If you suddenly crave sweets, it could be due to stress, depression, and/or exhaustion. Your body is asking for glucose, and this is one of the more dramatic requests. Your body is seriously lacking energy. The answer to such a request is not more sugar (because the process will repeat in half an hour), but try to eat a piece of dark chocolate or honey.

4. Craving for cold
In the morning, we all often feel like having something cold, icy cold. This is the body's typical reaction to a lack of iron. The best sources of iron are cooked beef, eggs, and seafood.

5. Bleeding gums
Sudden or constant bleeding of the gums (even while brushing your teeth) may be due to a lack of vitamin C (or using toothbrushes that are too hard). So during the day, consume more citrus fruits, more spinach, celery, red peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli...

6. Brittle nails and hair
Brittle nails occur when the body lacks B vitamins. Eat more mushrooms and seaweed especially.

7. Ring around the iris
Rings around the iris are common and normal in people over 50, but in younger people, it can be a sign of high cholesterol levels. It's best to consult a doctor about this.

8. Greek foot
Greek foot or "Morton's toe" is a term for the curvature of the second toe on the foot, which is larger than the big toe and noticeably curved due to the improper shape of shoes. Curvature of the toes means we are confined, burdened, and feel uncomfortable in the environment we work and live in. The curvature of the toes is a sign that things aren't going well and it's time for drastic changes.
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