Research, which was summarized by practically all media (print and online), explained that regular drinking of water on an empty stomach helps with headaches, cardiovascular problems, asthma, gastritis, diarrhea, bronchitis... But this is only the tip of the iceberg. Mountain. It wasn't until the Japanese started following the water diet en masse that they proved to be the right ones.
What is the Japanese water diet?
Even before you brush your teeth, try to drink 640 ml of water. Yes, that's more than a pint! The number is important because this is the average free volume in the stomach on an empty stomach, and it is important to fill the stomach with water, which is the only thing that has no calories (even negative ones that would rob the body of energy).
Statistics show that it is a very successful diet. In Japan last year, the number of gastritis, diabetes and arthritis decreased significantly, all of which are diseases that can only be cured with water. Detailed analyzes showed the following:
- High blood pressure: to normalize your pressure, drink water on an empty stomach for 30 days. The first effects will be visible after just one week.
- Gastritis: drinking water for 10 days will be enough. Then wait 10 days and continue if necessary.
- Diabetes: 30 days of regular drinking on an empty stomach significantly reduces the amount of sugar in the blood.
Arthritis: Drink water on an empty stomach for 3 days, then wait a week and, if you do not notice negative effects, continue drinking for at least two more weeks.
For more serious problems, talk to your doctor about what to do, because too much water in your body can cause other concerns...