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Datum: 18. FEB 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
10 mandatory rules of eating
Sometimes we harm our health more than we think by eating improperly ...
1. Don't eat when you're starving
If you feel hungry, then you should be careful not to overeat. You should never starve your body, because this has a bad effect on your metabolism and on top of that you lose weight. Eat when it's over, because that's the only way you'll keep your body in great shape.

2. After the meal, sit a little longer
After a meal, sit for another 20 minutes to give your stomach enough time to digest in peace. Do not resume sports, even lying down, immediately after a meal. Don't go for a walk or clean up. Wait.

3. 12 hours should pass between dinner and breakfast
Ideally, there should be at least 12 hours between breakfast and dinner, maybe 10. But make sure that there is always 10 hours in between, because this will mean that you took enough time after dinner before going to bed, but more importantly, that you slept long enough. Remember that a person needs 8 hours of sleep.

4. Vegetables first, not last
All nutritionists will recommend that you start the day with vegetables, because this has a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora. However, ending the day with vegetables can lead to flatulence, fermentation and putrefaction.

5. Drink half an hour before a meal
Diluted gastric juices only reduce efficiency and prolong digestion. Therefore, you should never drink during a meal. Drink preferably at least 20 minutes before a meal.

6. Diversity
Eating a single food means that the body gets the same vitamins and minerals every day, but not others. Variety is also important because such food has a lot of fiber, iron is very important, and carbohydrates are also important for short-term energy.

7. Combinations
It is very important to know what you are eating. You can eat proteins - vegetables, fats - vegetables, carbohydrates - fats. The following combinations are prohibited: protein - carbohydrates, protein - fat, protein - protein.

8. Do not eat processed food
Processed foods are all soups from pouches, mayonnaise and other spreads, sausages, pastries, lemonade, sugary drinks, juices, biscuits, crackers and others. All of these are slow and silent killers of our health. We will never know what is hidden in these dishes.

9. Do not eat hot and cold things at the same time
Remember that the hottest dish should not be more than 50 degrees, and the coldest should not be less than room temperature. If you eat colder or warmer, the body uses energy to heat up or cool down, which is not good especially for fats, which turn into hard-to-digest fat balls, and these quickly begin to accumulate under the skin. In addition, keep in mind that food cools or heats up by no more than 8 degrees on its way from the mouth to the stomach. With everything else, you burden the organism unnecessarily.

10. Chew your food slowly
If you chew your food well, then digestion will have less work and will be more efficient. Try to grind the food in your mouth for at least 10 seconds after each spoonful you put in your mouth. You can also count. You will see that it helps.
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